


Being involved in the pre-construction phase of the project provides the highest value for our clients. The earlier our team is involved in the design and estimating process, the better the project can be designed to fit the budget and the particular needs of the customer. During the pre-construction phase, preliminary estimates are made.

Our design suggestions, product selection, and constructability ideas help deliver a successful project. Regardless of the type of contract or construction method, the pre-construction process plays a major role in determining the success of the project.

Design / Build

The design/build service assures that design processes and construction processes work together to accelerate the completion of the project. Our working relationships with local government, architects, and suppliers insures immediate issue resolution. The design/build process allows us to maximize our decades of experience to design a project to a budget.

Utilizing design professionals best suited for a particular project insures the proper details, materials and methods are used to provide the highest value to the client.